Welcome to the Town of Norwich, New York

Norwich was formally established on January 19, 1793 from the historic Town of Jericho, now Bainbridge, and the Town of Union.
Located in the heart of Chenango County, the Town of Norwich presently consists of approximately 43.1 square miles with a total acreage of 27,584 acres.
Office Location
157 County Road 32A
Norwich, New York 13815
Office Hours
10am – 3pm
Monday – Thursday
Contact Information:
Phone: 607-337-2301
Fax: 607-336-6367
Email: [email protected]
Regular Monthly Board Meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 6:00pm. Changes to the normal date or time will be published in advance in the Evening Sun and posted on the Town website, as well as the front door of the Town Hall.