Following are the Financial Exemption/Disclosure links which all candidates must complete based on their campaign spending:
Early Voting for the Novemeber 2, 2021 General Election will be conducted at the Board of Elections, 5 Court Street, Norwich, NY on the following dates and times:
October 23, 24, 30 and 31 from 9AM to 2PM
October 25, 27 and 29 from 9AM to 5PM
October 26 and 28 9AM to 8PM
The Board of Elections office is the sole polling site in Chenango County for Early Voting. If you would like to request an absentee ballot, including concern for exposure to COVID-19, please click the link on the left side panel our website.
You can drop off your voted Chenango County Absentee Ballot during Early Voting at the Board of Elections office, or on Election Day at any Chenango County polling site. Absentee Ballots from other counties CANNOT be accepted in Chenango County.
Please contact the Board of Elections with any questions at 607-337-1760 or 607-337-1761 or email at: