Town Court

Court Justice: JAMES A. FOX
Court Clerk: Martha Vidler

Phone: 607-337-2305
Fax: 607-336-4814




Thursday, 9am – 4pm

*To make a Payment*

  1. Use the Town Hall drop box.
  2. Call 607-337-2305 to use a credit card.
  3. In person, if court is open.
  4. Pay online at or
    Call Toll Free 1-888-912-1541.

Questions: Call the Town Court at 607-337-2305 OR Email


District Attorney Website:
Public Defender Website:
New York State Court Help CourtHelp | New York State Courts | Legal Self-help (

Dispute Resolution Center offers Mediation for:

Small Claims/Debt Solutions for Individuals & Businesses, Divorce Agreements, Workplace Disputes, Landlord/Tenant, Family Disputes, Parent/Teen, Parenting Plan (Custody/VIsitation), Customer/Merchant, Feuding Neighbor Conversations, Care Agreements for Youth/Elders Facing Terminal Illness

Please Call 607-432-0061


2022 Justice Court Assistance Program Grant

The Norwich Town Court applied for a grant through the Justice Court Assistance Program (JCAP). With the funds they were awarded, the Court was able to purchase eight new executive chairs and one task stool for the Courtroom, in addition to two filing cabinets for additional storage in the Court office. The Courtroom doubles as the Boardroom where open meetings are held at least once per month. The chairs will not only serve the Court during normal court proceedings and jury trials but will benefit the Town Board as well.