Phone: 607-337-2301 ext.5
In person Credit/Debit Card payments accepted for dog licenses, marriage licenses, one-day marriage officiant licenses, septic permits, and copies of vital records. A $2.00 service fee is automatically charged to the customer.
10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
Please see the Calendar on the home page for possible changes to normal daily office hours.
Dog License
For dogs that are 4 months of age or older and reside in the Town of Norwich. Residence is determined by the town in which the property taxes are paid. This may or may not be the same as the residential mailing address. Proof of current rabies vaccination and proof of spay/neuter (if applicable) is mandatory to license your dog(s).
Dog License Fees | 1 Year |
Unspayed/Unneutered | $14 |
Spayed/Neutered | $7 |
Tag Replacement | $2 |
Delinquent fee if 30 or more days past due per dog |
$25 |
A renewal license will be mailed yearly. Please be sure to notify Town Clerk of any address change.
Dog License Renewals may be left in the drop box for your convenience. If the Rabies on file has expired (indicated on your renewal form), you may leave the current Rabies Certificate in the drop box with the renewal form and I will mail it back to you after making a photo copy for my records.
Questions or concerns can be emailed to the Town Clerk -
Messages may be left on the Town Clerk’s Voicemail at 337-2301. Please speak clearly and leave a call-back number.
If your dog is being held at the Chenango County SPCA, Dog Redemption Fees may be paid directly to the Chenango County SPCA when the Town Clerk's Office is closed.
Thank you.
Marriage Licenses
$40.00 fee, payable by cash, credit/debit card, money order or a check made out to the Town of Norwich.
To apply, both parties must appear at the Town Clerk's office with the following documentation:
- A valid Driver's License, DMV-issued Identification Card, Passport, or Employment photo Identification Card
- Original or Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
- If either or both parties are divorced or widowed, certified proof should be presented to the issuing clerk as to how each previous marriage ended (Divorce Decree or Death Certificate)
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.
Application must be made at least 24 hours prior to the planned ceremony and is valid for 60 days. No blood test is required, and no appointment is necessary. The process takes approximately thirty minutes.
$25.00 fee, payable by cash, credit/debit card (in-person only), money order or a check made out to the Town of Norwich.
Anyone seeking a one-day marriage officiant license must apply at the same Clerk’s Office who issued the marriage license for the couple whose marriage the individual will be solemnizing.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, and are not required to be a New York State resident.
The license is limited to the specific couple identified in the application and expires on the date the couple is married or their marriage license expires, whichever occurs first.
Applicants may apply in-person or by mail. The One-Day Marriage Officiant Application is located on the Forms and Permits page.
Certified Copy of Marriage License
The Norwich Town Clerk will issue a certified copy of a marriage license to either the bride or groom, with proper identification, for a $10.00 fee. This can also be accomplished through the mail with the names of both parties, as well as the month and year of the marriage.
If applying in PERSON - You will need:
- Form required by the State, found under FORMS on main website page
- $10 cash, money order, debit/credit card, or personal checks (out of State checks are not accepted)
- Photo
If applying by MAIL - You will need:
- Form required by the State, found under FORMS on main website page
- Money order, or personal check (out of State checks not accepted) for $10 per copy payable to Town of Norwich.
- Copy of Photo Identification
- A Notarized letter stating you are who you say you are
- A self-addressed stamped envelope
The mailing address is:
Norwich Town Clerk
157 County Road 32A
Norwich, NY 13815
Records in the Town of Norwich Clerk's office begin in 1908. In order to release information or copies of a marriage license to someone other than the bride and groom, a license must have been issued 50 years or more and both parties must be deceased. In other instances, a properly executed Power of Attorney or document signed by either bride or groom granting permission for the document to be released will be accepted
Certified Copies of Birth Certificates
PLEASE NOTE: Birth's occurring at Chenango Memorial Hospital are filed at the City Clerk's Office.
Birth Certificates can only be obtained by person's born within the Town of Norwich provided they are 18 years of age or older; or their parents or legal guardian can obtain their certificate.
If applying in PERSON - You will need:
- Form required by the State, found under FORMS on main website page
- $10 cash, money order, debit/credit card, or personal checks (out of State checks are not accepted)
- Photo Identification
If applying by MAIL - You will need:
- Form required by the State, found under FORMS on main website page
- Money order, or personal check (out of State checks not accepted) for $10 per copy payable to Town of Norwich.
- A Notarized letter stating you are who you say you are
- Copy of photo identification
- A self-addressed stamped envelope
The mailing address is:
Norwich Town Clerk
157 County Road 32A
Norwich, NY 13815
A certified copy or certified transcript of a birth may be issued only if, the original was filed with the Town of Norwich to:
- The person named on the birth certificate, if 18 years of age or
- The parents of the person named on the birth
- A lawful representative of the person
- The Commissioner of
- A person with a New York State Court
- A municipal, state, or federal agency for official
There is charge of $10.00 per certified birth certificate.
Certified Copy of Death Certificate:
A certified copy of a Death Certificate can be obtained for $10.00 if the original was filed with the Town of Norwich.
Death Certificates can only be obtained by:
- Spouse, parent or child of the
- A lawful representative of the spouse, parent or child of the deceased
- Funeral Home
- A person requiring the record for a documented legal right or claim. This is established on the basis of documentation that the requestor has a legal need for the copy of the death
- A municipal, state or federal agency when needed for official
If applying in PERSON - You will need:
- Form required by the State, found under FORMS on main website page
- $10 cash, money order, credit/debit card, or personal checks (out of State checks are not accepted)
- Photo Identification
If applying by MAIL - You will need:
- Form required by the State, found under FORMS on main website page
- Money order, or personal check (out of State checks not accepted) for $10 per copy payable to Town of Norwich.
- A Notarized letter stating you are who you say you are
- Copy of photo identification
- A self-addressed stamped envelope
The mailing address is:
Norwich Town Clerk
157 County Road 32A
Norwich, NY 13815
Accessible Parking Tag
Disabled persons must complete NYS form MV-664.1 available at the Town and have the physician portion completed. Present the completed form and photo ID to the Town Clerk for issuance of tag.
To renew an expired Permanent (blue) tag, simply bring in your expiring tag and your driver's license, and a new tag will be issued.